
My name is Adara Francis and I am the owner of Holistic Vitality LLC. I am a Certified Holistic Health Practitioner and Board-Certified Traditional Naturopath. I have been in practice since 2018; helping hundreds improve their health, become more active, and begin enjoying life again. Previously I spent 15+ years in Human Resources with a front row seat to the stressors that people experience. The stressors that when ignored, can begin to degrade vitality. I saw firsthand how ignoring subtle clues of chronic stress can have catastrophic consequences.

I am dedicated to helping my clients get their vitality back through customized wellness plans and foundational health education and guidance. I believe that true vitality is the result of enjoying life to its fullest by optimizing mental and physical performance. I love using science backed testing and integrating that with each unique bio individuality to create customized plans for my clients - tracking their progress while they move toward and reach their goals.

I specialize in body balancing, brain balancing, heart rate variability testing, customized nutrition plans and exercise guidance, nervous system regulation, trace minerals and heavy metal testing, bioenergetic scanning, and customized homeopathic blends. There is no such thing as a one size fits all solution to your health.

While I am not in the office I enjoy spending time with my husband and our kids/grandkids playing in the mountains, organic gardening and soaking up the sunshine.

I would love to connect with you to see how I can help you optimize your health and start enjoying life again.


Board-certified Traditional Naturopath

Certified Holistic Health Practitioner


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We look forward to supporting your Corporate Wellness Strategy. Please complete our contact form so we can connect with you and create a customized quote for onsite services